Proudly Protecting Members of These Fine Organizations:
Simple and Easy-to-Use One Handed
Fastest Tourniquets Available on the Market
Only Tourniquet That Works on Adults, Children & Canines.
Proven by Dopplar, Stops Bleeding Completely.
Less Painful Than Traditional
Easily train and Retain Application Knowledge
Simple and Easy-to-Use One Handed
Fastest Tourniquets on the Market
Works on Adults, Children, and Canines
Proven by Dopplar, Stops Bleeding Completely
Less Painful Than Traditional Trounquets
Easily Train and Retain Application Knowledge
Simple and Easy-to-Use One Handed
Fastest Tourniquets on the Market
Works on Adults, Children, and Canines
Proven by Dopplar, Stops Bleeding Completely
Less Painful Than Traditional Trounquets
Easily Train and Retain Application Knowledge